Carb Free Bacon Cheeseburger Bites
- Yields: 12 Servings
- Cook time: 20 minutes
- Prep time: 15 minutes
- 1 pound ground beef
- 1 teaspoon kosher salt
- ½ teaspoon ground black pepper
- ½ teaspoon onion powder
- ½ teaspoon garlic powder
- 3 (.83 oz.) mozzarella string cheese sticks
- 12 slices bacon
Prepare grill for two-zone cooking, placing pre-heated Kingsford® charcoal briquets on one half of the grill’s charcoal grate to create a hot and a cool zone. Add 2–3 chunks of your favorite smoking wood to the charcoal, replace the main charcoal grate and adjust the bottom vents to bring the temperature to 350°F.
Place ground beef, salt, pepper, onion powder, and garlic powder into a mixing bowl and blend well to combine all ingredients. Divide beef into 12 even portions then flatten into disks. Cut each string cheese stick into four even portions and place each cheese section onto a ground beef disk. Gently form the ground beef around the cheese so that the cheese is entirely encased. Wrap each cheese stuffed meatball in a slice of bacon and use a toothpick to secure the end of the bacon.
Place the bacon wrapped meatballs onto the cool side of the grill, cover the grill, and allow them to smoke for approximately 20 minutes until cooked through and the bacon is nicely browned and crisp. Remove the bacon cheeseburger bites from the grill and serve immediately.
- Credit: Clint Cantwell